Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tow #28 - "Jesus Camp"

"Jesus Camp" is a documentary which lets the audience of the video see how people of the Evangelical Faith, a branch of the Christian Church, live their lives. It depicts children, women, and men all pledging their lives to spread the word of the Evangelical faith, and crush all who appose it. The documentary starts with a pastor, who seems nice and wise at first, telling the children of the church to love thy neighbor... as long as thy neighbor accepts the "correct" faith. The main focus of the film, however, is the annual camp the Evangelical Church runs to drive even more Evangelical ideas into the minds of the youth. Throughout the film the audience sees children transform from shy, naive children into wannabe pastors with monstrous ideas about other cultures and religions. The movie is truly a horror film that really characterizes the ever growing majority faith in our mid-west portion of the country.
The documentary includes one-to-one interviews and stunning clips of the Evangelicals in their church to truly paint the evil picture that is the Evangelical Church.
The interviews provide a personal connection with the leaders of the church. The audience really gets a feel of how horrible these people are. Some truly believe deep in their hearts that they are right in what they think, others, as the audience can see, do it for the power and influence. The interviews help the audience break away from the hysteria that is shown within the film's depictions of the Evangelical Worship Services.
On the other hand, the viewer can see clips of the Evangelical Worship Services and can see the mass group as a whole to truly sink in to how crazy this movement is. The clips show pastors crying talking about killing homosexuals, children imagining threatening non-believers and their mothers supporting it.
These two visual devices do the documentary justice. They help enlighten the audience about how terrifying people are when they blindly follow a leader, and how evil man can be if man is manipulated into thinking murder can be justified.

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