Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tow #29 - Jesus Camp pt. 2

In the documentary "Jesus Camp," the Evangelical Religion is exposed to its purest, rawest form as the documentary exposes truly how horrifyingly the leaders of the religion brainwasher their followers. These simple-minded mid-western folks are turned into racists, nativists, and ethnocentrists, hating all who are not white, or Evangelical.
The center of this brainwashing is in fact, the Jesus Camp which was established to create a retreat for Evangelicals every year, and help them fortify the morals and beliefs of their religion into the minds of their children. The scariest factor of the Jesus Camp is the change the audience sees within the children over time during the documentary. Innocence is lost within these kids as they learn to become as ignorant as their parents. One child actually develops the dream of becoming a preacher to help spread the idea of the Evangelical Church and with all the immoral teachings that go along with it. The Jesus Camp is seen as a factory that produces narrow-minded human beings.
Dogmatic ideas are installed in the children and fortified in the adults. People from all over the country come to this camp. Thousands upon thousands have been coming for years, then as time progresses, the next generation sends their children. This has been a never ending cycle of immoral teachings to the masses. The Evangelical Church should be ashamed of how destructive their teachings are to the Evangelicals, which make a majority in the United States.

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